South Park aired an episode titled "Spring Break," which featured a character named Alonzo Fineski who resembled Andrew Tate, a "toxic masculinity coach."
Alonzo is revealed to be a wanted sex trafficker.
Tate responded to the episode on Twitter, saying he wants to contribute to making the best South Park episode possible.
Comedy Central, the network that airs South Park, has not yet commented on the matter.
A previous South Park episode appeared to mock Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in February 2022.
The episode features a Prince of Canada and his wife visiting South Park to promote their book and requesting privacy.
According to reports, Meghan Markle was offended by the portrayal but refused to watch the episode.
A spokesperson shot down rumours that South Park would be sued.
The recent episode "Spring Break," which parodied Tate's persona and the ongoing social discussion about toxic masculinity, has drawn attention.
South Park is known for its controversial content and satire of celebrities, public figures and popular culture.
The show has been on the air since 1997 and has a cult following among fans.